What is a professional artist?

Monday 16 January 2017, 11:00 - 13:00 Guest speaker: Patricia Ellis. The Fine Art Programme at Chelsea College of Arts educates students to develop careers as artists. This KEY event explores what an art career is or could be, and what it actually means to be a professional artist. Contemporary artists are engaged in a... Continue Reading →

When is an artwork complete?

Monday 5th December 2016, 11:00 - 13.00 The simple question ‘when is an artwork complete?’ highlights a range of complex issues around intention, spectatorship, indeterminacy, criticality, agency, uncertainty and finitude. This session invites two artists to talk about their recent work in relation to the idea of its completion, and to explore how these issues... Continue Reading →

What is an exhibition?

Monday 28 November 2016, 11:00 - 13.00 This KEY event explores what an exhibition is or could be – within the art school and outside. This is a foundational question relating to how artists connect to the world and share their work as well as thinking about the existing institutional frames that artist negotiate when... Continue Reading →

Art As Research

Monday 17 October 2016, 11:00 - 13:00 Art research entails art practice. Thus art research is both foundational to the activities of the art school, but it is also an aspect of the art school that can productively and critically connect art practice to other knowledge fields. For What is Art Research we begin to... Continue Reading →

What is post-digital art?

Monday 29 February 2016, 11:00 - 13.00 Paradigms, Giorgio Agamben has said, are things that we think and worth with, rather than being things that thought and work are about. In light of this statement, how does art think and work with the paradigms of the digital age? How has its paradigm been changed by, and how... Continue Reading →

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